Define: Michangelina

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I am both logical and imaginative. I’ve always been a daydreamer and a nightthinker. My ego is nerdy/random; I often have deep inquisitions about the Universe. My Universe is quite abstruse but mostly harmless. If you pursue my friendship, give me chocolate. Statistically, I'm normal, but by my twisted logic, I have an incentive that cries: survival of the uniquest!

Truth or Dare

"Truth or Dare" is the only game in the world that keeps female adolescents up until two in the morning. The scariest part is I don't remember much of anything. All I know is that our brains became exhausted and we couldn't exert enough energy to do any dares. So we all started to play truth. I am not sure if any of us lied. I'm sure a few of us did. Overall, I don't feel like I revealed anything. I just know I am tired.

I look gangster today wearing a large Pirates of the Caribbean hoodie. It's warm and makes me very happy. The weather out today is freezing. It's going to be as low as 38 degrees today. I feel like I'm scamming my own blog by not writing anything worthwhile. I am trying to poke my creativity from it's deep slumber. I keep getting an error message.

