Define: Michangelina

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I am both logical and imaginative. I’ve always been a daydreamer and a nightthinker. My ego is nerdy/random; I often have deep inquisitions about the Universe. My Universe is quite abstruse but mostly harmless. If you pursue my friendship, give me chocolate. Statistically, I'm normal, but by my twisted logic, I have an incentive that cries: survival of the uniquest!

Time Lords

So there's a rumor that Doctor Who's real name is: Chrístõdavõreendiamondhærtmallõupdracœfiredelúnmiancuimhne de Lœngbærrow... Chrístõ to his close friends. I watched "The Library" episode today and found it puzzling. By far, my favorite
episode. The Doctor also goes by Theta Sigma "ΘΣ"... That's an interesting nickname. I'm going to write it on my AP Statistics notebook. It'll blend right in.

...I thought I had a long name... Goodness.


Koishii_Ookami said...

Now who has the long name? lol.
