Define: Michangelina

My photo
I am both logical and imaginative. I’ve always been a daydreamer and a nightthinker. My ego is nerdy/random; I often have deep inquisitions about the Universe. My Universe is quite abstruse but mostly harmless. If you pursue my friendship, give me chocolate. Statistically, I'm normal, but by my twisted logic, I have an incentive that cries: survival of the uniquest!

The Land and the Sea

This poem was inspired by two people who I have grown very attached to. Maybe one day I will go back and edit this poem so it is not longer in free style. I don't know why I hate free style so much.

Anyway, let's talk about something cool: my birth. I was born inside a beach house, not a hospital. My mother went into labor two weeks early when she was relaxing in the sand letting the waves crash into her legs. I think the ocean excited me and I was ready to come out.

One of my lovely friends claims I was meant to be a mermaid. Maybe I was! :) Haha, anyway. I thought I would share one of my favorite websites that is full of secrets: Post Secret ... It's a great website if you want to hear some sad, beautiful, and interesting confessions. I plan on sending them a post card sometime soon.

The Land and the Sea

He fills me with excitement;
I love keeping him a secret—
The way he calls me “beautiful”,
His warm hands,
Dreamy eyes that secure me in a place of wonder,
A void that travels oceanic depths,
To visit a lonely seashell, where I live.

We talk through echolocation...
He hears my frequencies, pitches, and tones,
Listens to every pulse
Because it resonates his mind.
Communication unlike any I have ever had--
We do not need words;
We share breaths, moans, and whispers.

I want to swim with him to a place no one knows about.
A place where we can watch a blue world turn technicolor.
I want to watch the sunrise and sunset with him,
Resurface home by evening,
And know
That he is deep under the water,
My Atlantis

At home, I collect these soothing memories,
And stash them away between two pages in a book.
Where no one will ever dare to look--
Home is where I am loved.
He and I walk on this earth together;
We march in unison, perfectly happy.

So why?
Why do I need to hide under the water?
Why do I hold my breath every time,
I think about a part of me that lies on the ocean floor?
Don’t I belong on the bedroom floor?
In a perfectly white room?
In clothes that fit just a tad too tight?
Be down to earth?

I would rather complete go bare,
And dive into my escape.
The ocean calls me while
The land wonders why I leave him,
The land fears me drowning,
The land fears me leaving him to join the fish,
The land does not know where to find me.

I inspire to be with both the land and sea,
Live in a little beach house,
The ocean will always see me,
The land will always support me.
I cannot trust the ocean because he does not know where he is going;
Sometimes he make me seasick with uncertainty,
Unpredictability, and doubt...

The land protects me,
I just fear earthquakes and tsunamis.
The tide coming too close,
Flooding my home,
Ruining the foundation.
The place where I belong,
No longer has a roof over my head.
Coexistence is unobtainable,
So I will go on my vacations,
And tell the land to wait.
Hoping he will trust me
I wish I could breathe underwater...
And not feel asphyxiated for air.
Sweet oxygen tormenting my lungs!

My salty tears are capsuled memories
Of how much I miss the sea...
The sea floats on without me,
He is so expansive...
I wonder if he really misses me.
Should I ground myself and bury my heart in the ground?
Or swim in the waves where they may take me?

