Define: Michangelina

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I am both logical and imaginative. I’ve always been a daydreamer and a nightthinker. My ego is nerdy/random; I often have deep inquisitions about the Universe. My Universe is quite abstruse but mostly harmless. If you pursue my friendship, give me chocolate. Statistically, I'm normal, but by my twisted logic, I have an incentive that cries: survival of the uniquest!


Dear Respected Stalkers of Michangelina's Unverse,

The purpose of this post is to inform my audience that I am accepting questions via email, instant messaging, blog comments, or vis a vis. I will answer as many questions as possible on a regular basis from now on. The goal is to keep my blog alive instead of the ghost town it is.

My first question was unfortunately not a philosophical one. However, it was amusing:

"You have to choose between coffee, chocolate, and cheesecake. Which do you choose and why? The why needs to explain why the other stuff wasn't good enough, etc."

My friends know that I have five C's of happiness: caffeine/coffee, chocolate, cheesecake, Coldplay, and cats. These things make me happy and without them I wouldn't be on this planet. My friend made me decide between three of these items, all of which are food, and pick only one. This is a difficult decision but I have an answer.
First, let's discuss cheesecake. As delectable and rich of a pastry it is, it is rare and only for special occasions. I already acknowledge the fact that I am capable of surviving without cheesecake.
Secondly, coffee, as much as I respect its high content of caffeine there are other sources of caffeine: tea, energy drinks, juice, etc. I love green tea and drink it on a weekly basis. It is a healthier source than coffee and contains nearly the same amount of caffeine. So, I can eliminate coffee.
Thirdly, chocolate is my final answer because chocolate is unlike anything else in this world. Vanilla? How can vanilla compare? It can't. Hazelnut? No, it's not as bittersweet as the harvested cocoa beans. Chocolate has caffeine and is in many foods. Without chocolate in my life, I could not survive. Another confession of a chocoholic.

That is my answer for today. Please feel free to comment on my answer and/or ask a new question. Thank you.


Koishii_Ookami said...

Ahaha. Chocolate wins. I should have known. I almost thought coffee, but you got around it somehow. Good job. :D I'll send more questions if I can think of them. ;)

tavant said...
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tavant said...

I do like caffeine, and I love the smell of coffee, but I'm just not into drinking it. So I could definitely live without coffee.

As for the other two... I've decided that I want chocolate cheesecake. Does that count?
