Define: Michangelina

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I am both logical and imaginative. I’ve always been a daydreamer and a nightthinker. My ego is nerdy/random; I often have deep inquisitions about the Universe. My Universe is quite abstruse but mostly harmless. If you pursue my friendship, give me chocolate. Statistically, I'm normal, but by my twisted logic, I have an incentive that cries: survival of the uniquest!

Radioactive Heart

My poetry block disintegrated in my cerebrospinal fluid. Please excuse my scientific terminology. I often radicalize concepts to their simplest of means: principles of science. This poem is written with seventeen syllable lines with internal rhyming. (Same as the song, "Unintended" by Muse.) Also influenced by Kraftwerk's song, "Radioactivity". The format was a challenge to work through but I defeated it.

[Radioactive Heart]
Darkness obscured your danger sign, imperceptible but not benign.
My dreams flowed into a high electric field, our minds taped and concealed--
Your heart was radioactive; all my emotions were refractive.
I sacrificed full support before the strings were cut short.
The promising harmony in our memorized words matched us backwards.
"There is always a possibility" . . . caused susceptibility . . .
Bitten by beating betrayal was a poor, pitiful portrayal.
Heart radioactive, skin magnetic, and eyes apologetic--
I emitted isotopic tears as I enveloped my vile fears,
A sharp gamma knife damaging our decayed friendship by a half-life.
Heart radioactive, skin magnetic, and eyes apologetic--
The nuclear attraction in the atmosphere of chain reaction.
Exponentially drifting apart in your radioactive heart.


Koishii_Ookami said...

Does this have to do with any particular people or things? If so, it makes a lot more sense to me.

Murugesh.K said...

Nice choice of words....

'radioactive heart' is what I like most.

Michangelina said...

Thank you Murugesh, I appreciate your comment. I also read your short story "Perceptron". You have a nice choice of words as well.

Camille said...

Hey! Thanks for reading my blog!
Yess Doctor Who is definitely awesome :D
I'm not sure who my favorite doctor is... I can't choose. Also I want to wait until I've seen all of them before I choose one. I'm currently going back and watching the old series since season 5 has ended, but it's going to take a loong time since there's so much

Michangelina said...

Hi there Camille, it's nice to hear someone who loves Doctor Who as well. I watched Doctor Who through the ninth Doctor to the eleventh Doctor but haven't seen much of the older Doctors-- I completely agree with you: there's so much! I would need weeks of spare time to watch every episode, lol. I heard on Wikipedia that Time Lords can only regenerate twelve times... If that's true, then after Matt Smith is gone there can only be two more Doctors. *dramatic gasp*
