Define: Michangelina

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I am both logical and imaginative. I’ve always been a daydreamer and a nightthinker. My ego is nerdy/random; I often have deep inquisitions about the Universe. My Universe is quite abstruse but mostly harmless. If you pursue my friendship, give me chocolate. Statistically, I'm normal, but by my twisted logic, I have an incentive that cries: survival of the uniquest!

Sonnet I

After finishing The Winter's Tale, Shakespeare's ghost haunted me to write in iambic pentameter. So finally, at last, here is the sonnet I promised. Before you read it, feel welcome to read my interpretation and inspiration or just dive right into the poem. (I would.)

I do not normally explain my poems because I enjoy hearing my readers' multiple interpretations, but I am making an exception today. My poem is about the psychology of sleeping and how there are five different stages. I refer to these stages as "doors". The fifth stage "door" is mentioned at the octave of the sonnet because that is when REM begins.

Furthermore, notice that the first word I chose is "exhaling" and the last word is "hallucination". I always found it interesting that some scientists theorize that the hallucinogen
DMT may be naturally produced in the pineal gland when one is dreaming or having a near death experience. So question whether or not the speaker of my poem is really dreaming or under the influence.

Besides the psychology of sleeping and the science behind DMT, I was deeply inspired by two more things. First, I fell madly in love with Shakespeare's sonnet: Sonnet XLIII (Great website). Secondly, I was deeply moved by this beautiful work of art: Door Within a Door. Reminds me of my analogy.


Exhaling my day's thoughts into the night--
The sense of falling startled me awake,
But then my mind becalmed from the stage fright.
Entranced, I could not tell real from fake.
I opened a door that appeared unlocked,
Behind it came three more doors, so it seemed.
Through each one, my mind deepened as I walked.
Finally, I passed the fifth door and dreamed.
Dreamed of memories and patterns that swirled,
Lost fragments from a time-space hurricane,
People who lived on a parallel world,
Created by a compound in my brain.
Will I ever find an explanation?
A lucid dream or hallucination?

P.S. Real is two syllables.
American Heritage Dictionary: Real

