Define: Michangelina

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I am both logical and imaginative. I’ve always been a daydreamer and a nightthinker. My ego is nerdy/random; I often have deep inquisitions about the Universe. My Universe is quite abstruse but mostly harmless. If you pursue my friendship, give me chocolate. Statistically, I'm normal, but by my twisted logic, I have an incentive that cries: survival of the uniquest!


I wrote a short story because I found a very old rough draft of one. I decided to completely rewrite it and I feel somewhat satisfied with the way it turned out.

The setting of the story is in a bookstore. I wrote my first draft of this story three years ago inside a Borders bookstore I was quite attached to. Other than that, the rest of my story is fiction.


P.S. I was deeply inspired by the book Shutter Island.

